Continuing Your Learning and Development Throughout COVID-19 via Online Courses

Contributed by Dionne McCallion

Previously I talked about making the best out of your study time and what I consider the best in that area.

But how can you continue your studies during the current times? The COVID-19 virus has had such an impact on so many different aspects of our lives. One of them is the way we are learning. Leading the training providers to adapt new ways of providing digital and online training.

But is that enough? Do you like it?

Are the students receiving the same standard of training whilst learning remotely? As they would in a classroom environment?

Here are some of the pros of the online training:

  1. Students have the freedom to study as and when it suits them
  2. Students from all around the world are able to access online classes from different global locations.
  3. Students can select particular subjects or areas of interest to do their own reading on.
  4. Online education is cost effective.
  5. No time is wasted for the commute.  
  6. Interactive tools help students to absorb information and stay engaged.

Let me ask you what have you found about online training that you consider positive?

What areas could be improved on, to ensure learners are receiving the best education possible?

Do you think permanent online learning is here to stay?

Let us know!

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